Achieved Masterpiece

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  • #5475

    Is there anyone who would be willing to lend a hand in order for me to obtain this accomplishment?

    It’s the last achievement I need for the game, including all the downloadable content, but I don’t have any friends who play the game.


    Yeah, sure, if we can agree on a time slot 🙂


    goddammit people, you don’t need others to resign to get the achievement.

    just set up a 3v1 Capture the Relic lobby starting in Castle Age on a tiny map, and play as Lithuanians with a 5 minute treaty.

    grab the relic, wait for the treaty to end, garrison, win the game.


    I cut this achievement playing against my brothers and brother I in law.

    They were playing their hearts out.


    Go in a custom game of 1v3 capture the relic as Lithuanians (hide civs) then get the other 3 to pick a different non monk civ like Vietnamese.

    Or you can try to convince them to help you get the achievement

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