A Guide to Becoming a CBA Hero in One-on-One Matches

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Anonymous Player.
January 26, 2023 at 2:21 am #4172
Anonymous Player
MemberYou must login into Voobly to view imageINTRODUCTION
Many people asked me is there any CBA Hero 1v1 guide ?
And my answer to them was i dont know , but as many new players started 1v1s , we thought about making CBA HERO 1v1 guide.
There are the following questions that many players asked us about CBA HERO 1v1.-
How can we get better at CBA HERO 1v1 ?
Which formation to use in infantry patrol?
When to change stances in infantry civilization?
Which formation to use in archers patrol?
When to change stances in archers civilization?
Is there same patrol technique for every infantry civilization?
Is there same patrol technique for every archers civilization?
How to stack archers?
How to beat good players?
How to stack units with gates to raze fast?
How to deal with aggressive patrol using stand ground?
How to counter camping?
How to micro units?To answer these question we will try to explain a variety of different techniques and basics about CBA /HERO 1v1.
Following this guide you too could become a better player, although it will take some effort, but if you are dedicated and focused I can promise you following this guide will improve your CBA/HERO 1v1 game and enjoyment.
Unfortunately, many players do NOT know or use most of these skills and basics needed for CBA HERO 1v1, and they can lose while making mistakes.You must login into Voobly to view imageQuestions and Answers
Quote:1– How can we get better at CBA/HERO 1v1?- 1– You can get better by practicing as much as you can , never get disappointed if you loose games vs someone because loosing is a part of game .
By avoiding good players and focusing on making good ratings and streaks wont improve your game play .
The more you will play vs good players the more your you will learn and improve, i know many people wont agree but smurfing improves your gameplay alot.
Watching recording and by spectating games you can also improve your gameplay.Quote:2- Which formation to use in infantry patrol?- 2- The simplest formation i know is line formation which most of players use and i myself use line formation too with all infantry civilizations.
But formation does not matter much it depends on your play style many people use different formations according to there play style , but for beginners i will recommend to use line formation and i think it is best formation to use.
You must login into Voobly to view imageQuote:3- When to change stances in infantry civilization?- 3- If you have any infantry civilization try to divide it in groups by numbering them using Ctrl-1,23,4.. .Mostly infantry civilization can be divided in two groups , after getting full population stand those groups close to each other in stand ground stance there should not be big gaps between groups then start patrolling your groups towards enemy base .
When you find enemy units then patrol your units towards them , once you get into enemy units middle then press aggressive stance and always use 1-2 runners to distract enemy’s units and never re patrol infantry civilization once you get into enemy units .
Quote:*Tip by[7th]And1zeas for infantry civilization:
“If you see two enemy groups having gap in between then try to counter 1 enemy group with your two groups and it works i have tried it”.Quote:4- Which formation to use in archers patrol?- 4- There is no need to do any formation in archers civilization just normal formation works with all archers civilization unless you are trapping enemy’s units for trapping enemy’s units you can use ‘flank,box , ‘E’ or simple line formation will work too depends on situation.
You must login into Voobly to view imageQuote:5- When to change stances in archers civilization ?- 5- Well you can use stand ground stance with runners for archers .It mostly works with all archers like by patrolling archers towards enemy base in stand ground stance and stop your archers when they full stack and then use 3-4 runners.
When you see enemy using no runners then you can switch your stance from stand ground to aggressive by patrolling your archers back words or side ways and pressing aggressive stance.
Never use aggressive stance if enemy is using a lot of runners .
And if you really want to use full aggressive patrols then you need a lot of runners like every where runners and try to distract enemy as much as you can but i will recommend beginners to avoid aggressive patrol with archers the simple thing you can do is patrol on stand ground stance and use runners in front which is used by most of good players.
Quote:6- How to stack archers?- 6- Patrol your archers and when they get full close to each other stop them , if first time you cant do this then re patrol your archers again and when your archers get close to each other stop them this will need practice to be good at this.
Quote:*Tip by
[xCs]CaMp2gg_ for Archers civilization
“Do not forget to use runners they are the key to win many people underrate them but they are more important then stacking the units “
Quote:7- Is there same patrol technique for every infantry civilization?- 7- Yes mostly there is same patrol technique for all infantry civilizations , just a timing difference of changing stances which you will learn by practicing and with experience
Quote:8- Is there same patrol technique for every archers civilization?- 8- Yes mostly there is same patrol technique for all archers civilizations , sometimes people use mongols and Mayans differently but it doesn’t matter the thing that matters is , in which thing you are fast and control your units good.
Quote:9- How to beat good players?- 9- Well to answer this question i will leave you with a quotation by Riven.
Well after all every one is human being playing on this gaming site so nothing is impossible its just how much you are determined , be confident in yourself even by playing a few games you can beat a good player.
Quote:10- How to stack units with gates to raze fast?- 10- This is hard to explain in words so better watch this video maybe this can help you.
Quote:11- How to deal with aggressive patrol using stand ground?- 11- Patrol your archers and when they gets stacked together then stop them and use as much runners as u can in front and sides.
Quote:12- How to counter camping?- 12- If some one is camping try to attack from side where his units are less with your both groups by using runners and if he is using no runners then change your stance to aggressive
Quote:13- How to micro units?- 13- Well this is not easy question to answer and player have different type of microing style so we put together some players quote:
DeJected_R_ says: manual hit and run , do tricks to gain an advantage
[7th]W0LF____ : Micro is just about how fast you are , it needs speed and control .
If you are FAST enough in hit and run and have good CONTROL then you can micro good and you can only learn micro by PRACTICING as much as you can .
[xCs]CaMp2gg_ : Micro?
its just about reaction, think fast and try counter whats your enemy doing.
[xCs]_sU Just keep running around till your enemy gets mad.
If you dont know what is micro, watch this amazing micro by[Secret]TheViper
You must login into Voobly to view imageTHINGS TO DO and THINGS NOT TO DO.
THINGS TO DO : Once you get 200 then you can use vikings units as runners in front of archers.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not waste too much time on razing with Vikings in cba hero as it might give your opponents easy kills and fast 200 .
Pops: 90
THINGS TO DO : If your enemy is far above in kill you should close archers and open Byzantines units till cage because Byzantines spawn is fast and they kill archers so fast.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Never loose your Byzantines units after archers always keep few units for runners.
Pop: 60
THINGS TO DO : Try to stack units as much as possible while fighting and 3-4 runners in front always
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not attack frequently wait at least 3-4 full Archers/Chu groups before attacking.
Pop: 80
Pop: 64
THINGS TO DO : Open Archers after Castle Age.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not open Archers at 200.
Pop: 74
THINGS TO DO : Use only a few runners like 7-10 after getting archers.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not use full Jaguar pop as runners after getting archers.
Pop: 96
THINGS TO DO : Close Archer spawn till 400.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not open Archers after 200 open directly Robin Hoods at 400.
Pop: 96
THINGS TO DO : Close Archers spawn till Castle age.
Pop: 76
THINGS TO DO : Try attack 1 enemy group with your both group or you can just play it like archers, stack and stop + runners.Open archer spawn after getting full pop of Mameluke.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not get your group 2v1ed, never go with single Saracens group use both near each other.
Pop: 72
THINGS TO DO : Same as Saracens.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Same as Saracens.
Pop: 60
THINGS TO DO : Try to delete less HP units while fighting .
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not lose treb it can be a key role in your win
Pop: 74
THINGS TO DO : Change stance lately from Stand ground to Aggressive
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not get your group 2v1ed, never go with single Samurai group use both near each other.
Pop: 84
THINGS TO DO : When you get Castle Age open Archer spawn after getting full pop of Tarkans.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Never get rushed use units to spy in different direction.
Pop: 84
THINGS TO DO : Change stance lately from Stand ground to Aggressive .
THINGS NOT TO DO : Use only few Teutonic Knight runner after 200.
Pop: 80
THINGS TO DO : Franks are infantry civilization but play them like archers.
Always use 3-4 runners while playing with Franks.
Pop: 84
THINGS TO DO : Save/Exit
THINGS NOT TO DO : Never play Persia.
Pop: 60
THINGS TO DO : Open spawn after castle age, use aggressive when you see enemy without runners but I will recommend beginners to use stand ground patrol with Korea with runners in front.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Never lose full Wagons always try keep few alive.
Pop: 64
THINGS TO DO : Celts spawn is very fast so try distract his spawned units and keep reinforcing yours.
THINGS NOT TO DO : Do not get distracted, select your distracted units and re patrol them in fight asap.
Pop: 81Thanks for reading (hope you did
) we did our best to make this guide and we hope this will help some of you.
We are thinking to commentate some CS good games too in our youtube channel let us know if you would like.Guide made by Gray Clan -
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