A Few Inquiries Regarding Age of Empires II Information

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  • #7560

    I have some questions that I’m hoping you can answer.

    Firstly, is there anywhere I can download custom maps?

    I’ve seen them being used in tournaments but they don’t appear to be part of the regular options when I play.

    Secondly, if a garrisoned ram is destroyed, do the units inside it die too?

    Thirdly, what is the benefit of the heresy upgrade?

    Is it better to capture the enemy unit rather than killing it?

    Lastly, is it better to play with the default aggressive stance for units?

    Any advice would be appreciated.




    Yes, they’re usually available through the mod section.

    Just search for a tournament and you’ll be able to find the map pack

    No, the units in the ram will ungarrison once it dies.

    It’s a very situational upgrade.

    Its a defense upgrade: if an enemy converts your unit, it dies instead of switching sides (so imagine you have 2 knights, one gets converted – now you face 1 knight + a monk.

    With heresy, you only face the monk and can simply kill the monk.

    I would do that, yes.

    When playing maa or scouts in feudal age though, “stand ground for your group is better


    4) No.

    Set it to defensive.

    A lot of people will tell you to set it on aggressive.

    But I’m assuming you are not a super experienced player yet and if you set it to aggressive you need to babysit your units or else bad things can happen.


    play chinese cavalier win con with the hibge mix up.

    nerf hindu imp

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