Drush Fast Castle Into Knights as Berbers [Meditational Build Order]
![Drush Fast Castle Into Knights as Berbers [Meditational Build Order] Drush Fast Castle Into Knights as Berbers [Meditational Build Order]](https://ageofnotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/meditation-drush-fc-berber.jpg)
Learn how to execute a perfect Drush Fast Castle into Knights as Berbers or any cavalry civilization. Find below the entire build order from Dark age to Imperial Age in 20 mins Silent and Meditational Youtube video.
Meditational music plays instead of loud game sounds to help you memorize this build order and simultaneously reduce any form of stress or anxiety.
This build order is economical but can also be played as an All-in as you wish.
Drush Fast Castle Into Knights Build Order
At 29 Pop: 3 New villagers as Gold Miners. At 31 pop you will have 5 idle shephards move them to chop a nearby tree then farm until 8 farms. 1 New and last villager goes to Gold Then Click Feudal Age at 32 pop.
Economical Explained
Playing economical is a semi-defensive play-style. You focus on your economy and economy upgrades than on spamming army or blacksmith upgrades.
A few important basics to perfect an economical style:
- Build 2 additional Town Centers
- Do not rush blacksmith upgrades yet
- Spend most of your wood on farms
- Reach at least 28 or 30 farms at 30 mins
All-in Explained
Playing an All-in usually means a mini-boom into a nonstop Castle age army production.
Q: What’s a mini-boom?
A: It is a One TC boom consisting of 24 Farmers and more and 12 gold miners and more. When I say “and more” meaning you need to balance your economy to have consistent food and gold income.
A few important basics to perfect an All-in:
- Do not build extra Town Centers yet
- Spend wood on farms and military buildings
- Have at least 24 farmers before 19 mins and rally new villagers to gold or wood depending on your needs.
- Fully upgrade your army and force engagements or trades.
Queue 3 villagers, build a stable and Blacksmith. Soon your forage bushes will deplete then send those foragers to build a new lumbercamp and chop trees. Once Clicking up to Castle Age, Upgrade:
Double-Bit Axe
Horse Collar
Then build a second stable as soon as 175 wood is available.
Watching the build order you have noticed how I only upgraded bloodlines for knights. I did not bother to research anything at the blacksmith. Because playing economical you better make army instead of investing on upgrades. Besides you need food to have consistent villager production at your 3 town centers. Later on it is only easier to research any upgrade if you have a decent economy.
Notice how I did not over build military structures instead I focused on the build order objective which is reaching 30 farmers at 30 mins. And around 28 – 30 mins do not forget to research Handcart because of this latter your imperial age timing would be way faster and your economy gets a significant boost.
Before reaching Imperial age make sure to continue queuing villagers and fully upgrade your army and add extra military buildings because this is where the economical style shines. You will have all the resources to out-spam your opponent.
At Imperial your life becomes much easier as you reserve the freedom to do whatever army you wish. However I recommend you to build a few siege workshops then make those capped rams to help you destroy your opponent Castles and whatever structures in the way.