Top 5 Experts in Age of Empires 2 You Should Start Following

In this beloved community of Age of empires 2, our experts are online! The truly successful pro players are an extraordinary source of valuable knowledge which they have acquired in their journey to be successful players.
Most of us are in a quest of finding the experts whom we could trust and learn from all kinds of cool tricks and strategies. Today I’m sharing with you a list of the best aoe2 players. Professional players who can influence and shape your journey to becoming a better at age of empires II.
The list is in no particular order!
1. TheViper
Ørjan Larsen, known as Theviper is an inspirational and expert AoE2 player who won over 60 tournaments over the period of 2012 to 2020. Around 2001 – 2002 was the year where Ørjan first put his hand on a copy of Age of empires 2 provided by his father PkZ(Owner of AoEZone.Net).
Since 2009
TheViper has been grinding multiplayer since 2009. In 2014, he started streaming part time then a couple years later he became a full time AoE2 streamer at Twitch/TheViper and regularly post new video gameplays on
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2. Hera
Hamza, known as Hera currently sits at #1 spot as the best AoE2 player after the release of AoE2 DE. He discovered the game with his brother at an early age of 8 which is around 2007 – 2008. He is now 21 years old.
Since 2013
Hera started committing to multiplayer around 2013; the same year where he started climbing the Expert ladder in Voobly. Later in 2018 Hamza launched his youtube channel and slowly started streaming part time… Just a few months later after “Kind of the desert 2” tournament he became popular. Since then he streams regularly on Twitch/Hera.
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3. MBL
Morten, known as Mbl began playing around 2013 and by the end of 2014 he made it into the expert ladder. Later in 2015 he teamed up with “NABS” Nadya’s Boys to win his first 3v3 “Into the darkness” tournament. Afterwards he left NABS and to found a new clan “aM” Aftermath wih Liereyy and Heartt.
Since 2013
His first voobly account seem to date back to 2013 where started experiencing with the multiplayer. Surprisingly, Morten needed only 1 year to make his first appearance in the pro scene which is impressive to achieve over the course of 12 months.
MBL has been committed to streaming to as of 2014. He became popular later in 2016 when Morten teamed with TheViper in the finale of “Clash of the Hippo 2”.
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4. Daut
Darko Dautovic, One of the oldest legends of Age of empires 2 and a meme for his failure & bad luck in building castles to 100%. Nonetheless he’s 35 years old and currently ranks 30th and won 59 tournaments including a recent RedBull 3 tournament; Daut’s macro remains one of the best you can learn from.
Since 2002
Daut started playing with a couple of friends in LAN. Then a friend from high school informed him about MSNZONE where AoE2 was played competitively.
That’s when Dautovic started committing to play but surprisingly confessed his regret to this decision back in 2010 when he was interviewed by Mr Asphalt. However given his achievements these last years – I doubt he regrets anything today?
Daut has set off his commitment to streaming since February 2017 playing almost every day. During that period (2017-2021), he won 38 tournaments most of them were team games.
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5. TaToH
Roberto Jiménez, known as TaToH has been recorded to play Age of empires 2 since 2014. He made his first competitive appearance in The Nation Cup of 2015 playing for Spain. Later that year he grinded only 1v1 games.
And by early 2018, Roberto entered Tyrant Clan side by side with TheViper, Daut, and Jordan and were crowned Battle of Africa tournament.
Since 2014
TaToH has been out there since 2014 making his first appearance in youtube doing Orion video series where he created separate accounts for every civilization then record those games on youtube. He has been very committed to improve individual skills and currently is one of the best team game players in the world.
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