How to Send Resources In Age of Empires 2

In Age of Empires II, players take on the role of a historical civilization and must manage their resources effectively to succeed. Sending resources to other players or to outlying settlements is an important aspect of the game. In this guide, we will discuss the various strategies that can be used to effectively send resources in Age of Empires II, including requirements to send resources, coin and banking upgrades to reduce tax, and an alternative funny way to send resources.
Requirements to Send Resources
Before a player can send resources in Age of Empires II, they must first meet certain requirements. The first requirement is to advance to the Feudal Age, which is the second Age in the game. This allows access to markets, which is the second requirement for sending resources. Markets are the buildings where players can buy, sell resources and trade.
Once these requirements are met, players can access the Diplomacy panel by clicking the icon:

or preferably by pressing the Alt + D hotkey on the keyboard (works for all versions of Age of empires 2).
This brings up a window where you can send any amount of resources to any player. However, taxes are applied to resource transactions, and these taxes can be reduced by upgrading coin and banking technologies, as we will see in the next section.
Reducing Tax with Coinage and Banking Upgrades
One of the main drawbacks of sending resources is the tax that is applied to the transaction. This tax can be reduced by upgrading the civilization’s Coinage (Coin in older versions) and Banking technologies. These upgrades will reduce the amount of gold required to send resources, making it more cost-effective to send resources over long distances.

There is a tactic called “slinging” which is one player walls himself in, builds a market then sends resources infinitely to his ally. This tactic is banned for most hosted tournaments due to how powerful it can set ahead the slinging team.
Collecting and Garrisoning Resources
Collecting resources is a crucial aspect of Age of Empires II, and players can effectively collect resources by building resource-gathering structures such as farms, mines, and lumber camps.
Additionally, players can also garrison villagers inside allied town centers to drop off resources. This allows players to send resources to other players or to their own outlying settlements without having to worry about transportation costs.

Saracens Unique Advantage: Saracens have an unique advantage of having a cheap market (75 Wood cost Only Definitive Edition), which allows them to buy and sell resources at a discount. This allows them to send resources more efficiently. As well as the resources they gather sell for more gold than other civilizations.
In Age of Empires II, players must manage their resources effectively to succeed. Sending resources to other players or to outlying settlements is an important aspect of the game. To effectively send resources, players must meet certain requirements, including advancing to the Feudal Age and building a market. Taxes can also be reduced by upgrading coin and banking technologies. Additionally, players can collect and garrison resources inside allied town centers to send resources more efficiently. Saracens have an unique advantage of having a cheap market which makes them better in sending resources and getting more gold from resources they gather.